Handling Immodesty
by Brooklyn Goodman, age 14 eighth gradeShe was so excited; they were going to the movies tonight. She was at Megan’s house, one of her friends from school. Megan had invited her and Lacey over to get ready for the movies. When she put on her blue jeans and a cute top, Megan looked at her and snickered, "Are you seriously going to wear that?" Feeling embarrassed, she replied, "Well do you have anything else I can wear?" After several try-ons she finally decided on a low cut top with a short skirt. When she looked in the mirror she felt very uncomfortable but wanted to fit in.
As they waited in line for popcorn he spotted her. She was just one line over from him. With her long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes he couldn’t stop staring. He was thinking to himself how pretty she was, but why did she need to dress like that? Being a Christian guy, it’s sometimes hard for him to understand why girls think they have to dress a certain way to look good or to draw a guy’s attention. When she looked back at him he just dropped his head and looked at the floor. He was not interested.
She was going through a lot of peer pressure. Being a Christian girl, she knew what she wore was inappropriate, but because of the fact that her friends had made fun of what she was going to wear, it affected her decision. How does what you wear influence other teens? Do you pick out clothes that glorify God or yourself? Modest dressing allows others to see God in you. Immodest dress only allows others to see you.
In 1 Peter 3:3-5, Peter says that we (Christians) should be known for the beauty that comes within us. Also, the unfading quiet spirit is so precious to God and He wants us to be modest in our appearance and to not draw attention to ourselves by the way we dress (1 Timothy 2:9).
So when you pick out your clothes, make sure that your appearance is glorifying God and not yourself. Learn to overcome pressure from others and stand up for what you believe is right. Appearances are very important. Like the boy, whose first impression was, “Wow she’s pretty,” but immediately turned his attention away. Just remember, whatever you do, do it to the glory of God!