Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Youth Conference Attendee Pre-Conference Exercise

Please give this exercise considerable thought. Do not rush. Please do not give me the answer you think I “want” to hear. This is for you. To help you think about your relationship with God as you head into your yearly spiritual retreat, called the youth conference. Please call me if you have any questions…Horace 310-469-8101
Please return this exercise back to me by April 1st.

How is your relationship w/ God right now?

_____         ______       _____      _____     _____

   1                     2                 3               4              5

How would you like it to be?

_____         ______       _____      _____     _____

   1                     2                 3               4              5

What gets in the way of it being the way you would like it to be?


What could you do to improve it?


Name_______________________      Date__________