Monday, February 27, 2012

What is Anger - Be Angry and sin not

What is Anger?
 Anger is an emotional response to bad treatment. A response to something we don’t like or a perceived lack of respectful treatment
Bible examples of anger
·     Were they Angry?
·      Did they sin?
Job : Job 2:1ff / Cain : Genesis 4:2-13  / Peter /    Moses: Numbers 20:1-10
Is being angry a sin? - NO
Is it wrong? - It depends     
The question to answer is: how do we act when we are angry?
Psalms 4:4, Ephesians 4:26-31
What triggers it? Why are we angry?!!
Is it just things in general or does someone or something upset you?

Possible reasons for anger:
  • Not able to do what u want
  • Being accused of something
  • Being disrespected
  • Unhappy with circumstances
  • Where I live
  • Where I go to school
  • Who I go to school with
  • Parent’s behavior or decisions
How does it affect you?
  • Unhappy with self
  • Looking at possible underlying causes of anger:
  • Sadness
  • Confusion
  • Frustration
Handling anger and angry situations - (Psalms 4:4-6)
  • Positive solutions to handling anger in a more positive manner.
  • Meditate
  • Reflect
  • Pray
  • Respond, if necessary, in a controlled manner.
  • Move forward - don't hold a grudge