Monday, March 15, 2010

Cell Phone email to send to your family and friends to make money for the National Conference

Here is the email you can send to your friends and family to let them know about our cell phone business. Just make sure you put in your name for the user code and put you name at the bottom of the email:

I just started a new cell phone business online and I'm really excited because I now have access to some awesome cell phone deals that you can't really get at the stores. We've got a deal through AT&T where you get FREE activation (from March 12-24) and we've got a LOT of free Blackberry's, Touch phones, and other cell phones that you can get for AT&T.

The shipping is also free, so all you need to do is place your order online at my store - here's my store link:
User Code :   

Please let your friends and associates know about my store link in case they are considering upgrading their phone. I also have many free and cheap cell phone deals through T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, and Nextel. Thanks!