What would you do if you only had 6 months to live?
Would you live differently?
What would you change?
Would you treat people differently?
Would you live life to the fullest?
Most of us waste our lives with “when and then” thinking, believing that “when” this or that happens, “then” we will really start living and do something for God that really matters. That approach is guaranteed to leave you with regrets.
If you think that you are too young to think this way, Jesus was just twelve when He said, “I must be about my Father’s business.” Just twenty-one years later, He could say to the Father, “I have completed the work You gave me to do.”
If we all had that kind of focus and dedication in our lives, there’s no telling what God would accomplish in our the world!
Your time on earth is limited.
Most of us, if we knew we only had one month to live, would live differently. We would be more authentic about who we are and more deliberate about how we spend our time. But such a contrast begs the question: What keeps us from living this way now?
Why can’t all of us live more like we’re dying? Isn’t that how we were meant to live in the first place? To discover what we’re made for and to utilize our unique gifts in the limited amount of time we’re given?
I believe that the 6-monts-to-live lifestyle is unique. If we all live as if we only had a short time left on this earth, we would spend it differently, in ways unique to us, and yet I believe we would all experience more fulfilling lives that could leave a legacy for eternity.
Will you try it with me?