Monday, February 27, 2012

Application deadline for youth conference

The deadline to turn in the application for the youth conference is February 29.  Copies of the application can be picked up at the church office. If you have any questions please contact Horace at 323-250-CCOC

What is Anger - Be Angry and sin not

What is Anger?
 Anger is an emotional response to bad treatment. A response to something we don’t like or a perceived lack of respectful treatment
Bible examples of anger
·     Were they Angry?
·      Did they sin?
Job : Job 2:1ff / Cain : Genesis 4:2-13  / Peter /    Moses: Numbers 20:1-10
Is being angry a sin? - NO
Is it wrong? - It depends     
The question to answer is: how do we act when we are angry?
Psalms 4:4, Ephesians 4:26-31
What triggers it? Why are we angry?!!
Is it just things in general or does someone or something upset you?

Possible reasons for anger:
  • Not able to do what u want
  • Being accused of something
  • Being disrespected
  • Unhappy with circumstances
  • Where I live
  • Where I go to school
  • Who I go to school with
  • Parent’s behavior or decisions
How does it affect you?
  • Unhappy with self
  • Looking at possible underlying causes of anger:
  • Sadness
  • Confusion
  • Frustration
Handling anger and angry situations - (Psalms 4:4-6)
  • Positive solutions to handling anger in a more positive manner.
  • Meditate
  • Reflect
  • Pray
  • Respond, if necessary, in a controlled manner.
  • Move forward - don't hold a grudge